Friday, April 8, 2011

Back to the Gym

Hey people!
This week I have something very cool to look forward to. I am going to a class at Zoe's gym taught be Tommy Europe, from Slice TV's Last 10 Pounds Bootcamp! woohoo. I tried to get back to the gym to prepare (since the bootcamp is 2 hours long). However, its also the week before exam week, so time is tight. It warm enough now to run outside so thats what I've been trying to do. Also, I've been making all my meals at home! Heres a few pictures for ya.

Haha I tried to take a stealth picture of myself with my ipod.

Mahi Mahi!!


Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Look What my Boyfriend Can Do!

Last night Scott and I ate meatballs, salad and sweet potato fries. Scott decided to make the fries, and he made them SO BEAUTIFULLY. Like, restaurant beautiful.