Its 2011, lets try this thing again.
This year I have some new goals...
Fitness-wise, I'd like to take up yoga again. There are several reasons this is my main fitness goal for this year. The first is that it is a bonding activity I can do with my dad, who is a hard-core hot yoga enthusiast (Actually yoga is a common hobby for several members of my family, including my grandmother, who practices twice a week at my university!). The second reason is that in the past, I've avoided yoga because its SO HARD. If its hard for me, I should try even harder to become good at it. I did my first yoga class in a long time yesterday. My goal was to complete the class without taking a break, even if I had to swallow my pride and to modified flows a few times. I accomplished the goal and was rewarded with burning pecs, shoulders, and abs this morning.
Academically I'm reaching pretty far this year. I just finished my first year of university this month, and I recently made a big decision. I've been majoring in History (which really is my passion, and I hope to get a PhD in history later in life), but have decided to switch the JMSB, the business school in my university. I'm hoping to get into the Co-op program, in which i would get the opportunity to work for credits and gain a lot of valuable experience. While its very very VERY likely that i WONT get in, I am still going to try. If i don't, Ill still transfer to the business school and start studying marketing (I still hope to get my masters in History after I finish my Bachelors)
This year I am also going to set teeny tiny daily, weekly, or hourly goals for myself that will help motivate me along the way.
This week I've been challenged (via twitter, by @lululemon) to do 3 yoga classes and 2 runs. i modified the challenge, and i hope to do 3 yoga classes, 2 spin classes (one taught by my cousin and roommate), and one run outside. Can you believe I've never taken one of Zoe's spin classes? Maybe I'm subconsciously afraid of what she'll do to me, I hear her class kicks serious ass...
Heres to hoping I can integrate into the blogging world I love so much, and that I can update every few days.
Ciao for now!