THAT was supposed to be the Boca burger i was to eat yesterday at Bonnies. Instead, i had some a greek salad with what IM SURE was Kraft italian dressing (yaaaack). I was going to have a locally brewed hibiscus beer. Instead, I had a pint of coors light. But the company was good, even though the food was lacking, so the night was not a total miss.
Today's workout was a quick 30 minutes of cross-counrty skiing before a brutal 9 hour shift at work. (Though some people work there from 5am till 8pm, so I shouldn't complain. But I'm still gunna)
Plans for tomorrow include: - taking Zoe's spin class for the first time
- Using the cool elliptical at her fancy gym
-Dropping my CV off at Baton Rouge (I'm passively looking for a hostessing job)
- Hitting up hot yoga with my dad
- Going downtown to drop off more CVs, spend my chapters gift card, buy scott skates
- Going skating on the mountain with scott, then ordering chinese and watching the Town.
Happy New Year Folks!!
THE WORST! My pasta was yaaaack too.