my goal: GET RIPPED.

This here is my friend Jillian Micheals...SUPERTRAINER on the Biggest Loser (favvvee show!). She has this DVD called 30 day Shred, which I have started to do. You do it for 30 days, and its supposed to help you lose those LAST TEN POUNDS (I don't need to lose ten pounds, so I probably won't. I just want to get toned as H*LL). Then she has a book out called Making the Cut. Its a 30 day eating and working out program, which I'm going to start doing next week.
this is the DVD:
heres just a sample of this.
After finishing this at home program I am going to invest in P90X. A family friend and my trigger point therapist (OUCH) said her friend did this and loved in, and Demi Moore and PINK do it too (or so Life and Style told me). Its pretty expensive (100$ or so for 13 DVDs. Im going to get mine on Ebay but its officially sold at or something like that. Anyways, whoever wants to join me in getting ripped, LET ME KNOW.