This week I'm going to try to follow a meal plan that I'm going to create for myself. No grazing, No cheating, No EXCUSES. Starting tomorrow, I'll also take pictures of everything to hold myself accountable. Each of my meals will be half fruits and/or veggies. No white bread, No white rice etc. Whole grains, fruits, veggies, low-fat dairy... Instead of sweets I'll eat fruit, dried fruit, dark chocolate, chocolate drankS. AKA. no cookies or buttery, carby treats. If I feel like i NEED SUGAR (!!!!) I'll have a Larabar. Also, no fried foods.
For workouts, I'll do boxercise, yoga, fitnessista's workout of the week, and random cardio.
Tomorrow I'm going to plan to eat:
bfast: Breakfast cookie (fitnessista again)
lunch: taboule with Zevia Ginger Ale
snack: carrots
dinner: greek salad
Update tomorrow to see how I did (I can do it for one day! I can, I can!)
Monday, January 31, 2011
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Howd it go?
Our date turned out pretttty fun! Turns out we were on a pretty even playing field when we were bowling. I won one and he won one! We played pool,and by some miracle, I won! Can you believe it? For snackie we shared a poutine and chicken wings (we're fat!) For dinner (Even fatter) Scott had steak and I had eggplant with goat cheese melted on it. Yummmerz.
Where school is concerned I am so overwhelmed and a little bit stressed out because I'm juggling quite a few hours at work and I'm too money-hungry to give up any shifts. I keep thinking that if I manage my time right, I can do it! (I CAN DO IT, I CAN DO IT, I CAN DO IT)
on another note, why in the hell would any parent give their child juice or gatorade or sugary drinks IN THEIR BOTTLES, before they even really know or ask for that kind of drink. Its like child abuse.
Where school is concerned I am so overwhelmed and a little bit stressed out because I'm juggling quite a few hours at work and I'm too money-hungry to give up any shifts. I keep thinking that if I manage my time right, I can do it! (I CAN DO IT, I CAN DO IT, I CAN DO IT)
on another note, why in the hell would any parent give their child juice or gatorade or sugary drinks IN THEIR BOTTLES, before they even really know or ask for that kind of drink. Its like child abuse.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Date Night!
Hey all!
School has been overwhelming, and I haven't been working out or even eating very properly. Maybe today? So far I had a blueberry and almond milk smoothie, with half a banana and some peanut butter. Im bringing some Amy's butternut squash soup to school for lunch (if I can find a spill-proof tupperware). So tonight I'm having a date night with Scott. Our date night will include Steak Dinner, Bowling, Movies and MORE woohoooo
School has been overwhelming, and I haven't been working out or even eating very properly. Maybe today? So far I had a blueberry and almond milk smoothie, with half a banana and some peanut butter. Im bringing some Amy's butternut squash soup to school for lunch (if I can find a spill-proof tupperware). So tonight I'm having a date night with Scott. Our date night will include Steak Dinner, Bowling, Movies and MORE woohoooo
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Tempeh is a fermented soy product, kind of like tofu. However, it has more fiber and less negative effects (Estrogen etc.)In the States, its available fresh, but in Montreal it seems its only available frozen.
tonight I made a vegetable ratatouille with tempeh and quinoa. My mom is currently setting the table so we can eat it, and I can let you all know whether or not it turns out well.
On a side note, Lush was also on the agenda today. We went to get products for . They bought an array of products you can find out about over there, but I bought an avocado bath bomb, vitamin C + e toner tab tabs, and a kind of lemongrass-y soap.
Now, I'm off to eat some protein!
Latah Hatahs
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Today I had a craving. It was for tcby, which, for those who aren't aware, is a Canadian frozen yogurt company. Their specialty is the chocolate and vanilla swirl. Its so good! Tonight is also Jersey Shore night (sorry dad). So i made the best decision ever: TCBY and Jersey Shore together! Yummerz. I also got two new books! The Women's Health Big Book of Exercise and Victoria Beckham's That Extra Half an Inch. They both seem really awesome, especially since Victoria Beckham is a really cute girl and her personality shines in the book. I am a huge fan. The other book seems really good, I will have to try out a routine and review it.
Today I did another solo spin class, and I tried to do a run (FAIL). Being out of the game for so long really affected my endurance. I can barely run ( and when I say run, I actually mean running, not jogging) for 5 minutes! I will try again tomorrow.
Oodles of Toodles!
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Gettin' my GTL on.
This week, workout-wise anyway, has been quite a success (I know, I know, Its only Wednesday). on monday, I did a 90 minute hot yoga class. We didn't do as many flows as usual, but there were lots of balancing poses. I am terrible at balancing poses so I was glad to practice. Because I did that class, I didn't do yoga meltdown.
On tuesday, I did BOXERCISE (The word is so fun to say!) and a solo spin workout (courtesy of the fitnessista) I replaced some songs though, because I wanted to listen to Britney's new single "Hold it Against Me" and I was also feeling a little Enrique Iglesias. After the gym, two of my very fit friends and I (they were at the gym with me, but they were doing jillian Michaels "Making the Cut" workout, which was too intense for me, especially since I just started school and am EXHAUSTED) went to Ye Olde Orchard Pub and had some food. I had a small green salad and two pieces os bruschetta (also about 20 of my friend's fries). T'was le good time.
Now im off to do my readings for Law and Society in Canadian History. Blah.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Fitness Wishlist
If i had a million/thousand/several hundred only spend on fitness/foodie gadgets, these are the things I would buy:
an Ipod Touch
A Kitchen Aid mixer
A Fancy-Shmancy Juicer
Lululemon Gym bag
Heart Rate Monitor
an Ipod Touch
A Kitchen Aid mixer
A Fancy-Shmancy Juicer
Lululemon Gym bag
Heart Rate Monitor
Monday, January 10, 2011
Sunday, January 9, 2011

Over the weekend I went to the Eastern Townships to do a little relaxing and a little skiing. I went with my parents and siblings (siblings are 4 and 9), and my mom helped my make spaghetti squash with pork and bison sausage and tomato sauce. The kids didn’t really dig it, but I think it was pretty darn good. I got the recipe from whole foods on twitter (NEW OBSESSION → late in the game!!!). you can find it here: []
I used margarine instead of butter (it was all we had in the house), pork and bison sausage instead of pork sausage, and fresh basil instead of dried. Also, I made spaghetti sauce from scratch instead of using a jar of it. It was quite good, but the squash was so hard to cut!!!
Tomorrow I wanted to make Gluten-Free peanut butter cookies, but there is still so many desserts left over from the holiday, so I think I’ll wait until the next family dinner.
Also watched Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. Best. Housewives. Ever.
You can watch a clip of it here:[]
And NOW I’m off to read my new issue of In Style.
Next week’s fitness commitment: 3 runs (30 minutes or more), at least 1 outside. Anybody want to join me?
Nutrition commitment: No sweets, No eating out at all for lunch (aka bring lunch to school)
Challenge: Yoga Meltdown every day
Thursday, January 6, 2011
When Fitness Fell Off my Radar

I have not worked out even one time this week. it is currently thursday. Granted it was the first week of school, and my schedule was pretty packed. I met up with some high school friends for brunch on monday, then I had to wait for an hour(!!!) in line at the gym to register for Boxercise. Apparently boxercise "not only burns fat, but improves cardiovascular conditioning while toning and strengthening the body". We shadow box, skip, and do combos. I used to kickbox back in the day and it really helped me get it shape, so I'm really excited for tuesday (which is when the class starts).
Today, after numerous phone calls and meetings, I finally finalized my schedule for the winter semester. Its the biggest course load I have ever taken but I think I can handle it, as long as I manage my time properly and make school my first priority. Courses include: History of China, Law and Society in Canadian History, Theology, History of Europe 2 and Business Law. Should be fun.
I am doing an online Challenge to get Organized, and they made us write out the 10 goals we want to achieve this year (2011). Here are mine:
1. Get fitness training certifications
2. Get Driver’s License
3. Reach Goal weight
4. Get a 3.0 + GPA
5. Save more money
6. Get Steady Winter job ← Push Goal
7. Write a piece for a student newspaper
8. Follow through with the blog
9. Run a half-marathon or a race (with my mom?)
10. Get work experience outside of food service
The "Push Goal" is the goal that will make the other goals happen. The reason getting a steady winter job is my push goal is because:
1. I will earn money to pay for the certifications
2. I will earn money to pay for my driver's license
3. I will earn money to pay for personal training sessions/ classes/ healthier foods etc.
4. It will push me out of my bagel comfort zone
5. Ill have funner and newer things to write about on the blog
This weekend I'm going up north where I am going to cook dinner for my fam, finish writing my application essay to intern at Fashion Magazine, an do all the readings fro next week.
Monday, January 3, 2011

This is the first WEEK of 2011.
Last week I committed myself to 3 yoga classes, 1 spin, and 1 run. The run didn't get done :(, so I'm planning on doing it today before my staff meeting.
This week I'm challenging myself to not eat sugar the whole week. I'm going to stick to fruit. I can eat whatever else I want even if its chips, fries, whatever. I can eat it, as long as its not sugary.
Plans for the day include:
- brunch with high school friends
- Spending my chapter gift certificate
- Registering at the school gym
- Handing out CVs
-Some phone calls
-Staff meeting at 530
-movie? (the fighter with Mark Whalberg...)
Saturday, January 1, 2011

Its 2011 baby!
This year i have 20 small resolutions, but I mainly want to be happy and healthy. I wish the same for everyone i love this year. I also want to get good grades and eat more at home.
My NYE was spent with Scott at home. We ate chinese food and watched Rocky Balboa, Legally Blonde, and the beginning of the town. It was pleasant and relaxing, a great way to start the new year. Tomorrow is work, and then school starts again on monday (!!!). Crazy.
What did you do last night?
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